A little bit of whimsy and a whole lot of attitude

Sunday, April 17, 2011

DIY Bathroom Remodel

Let me preface this post with a bit of advice: When you live in a 61-year-old house, ANY do-it-yourself project, no matter how small or simple it may seem, will ALWAYS take more time and energy, will cost more money, and will undoubtedly cause you and your spouse more unneeded grief than you budgeted for. With that said, in addition to the kitchen remodel we're tackling this Spring, my husband and I also thought it would be a good idea to update the one bathroom in our house. Mistake numero uno.
It goes without saying that when you remove the water source from the one bathroom you have, you're likely to wish you never began the project in the first place. We have now been without a functional sink since Tuesday. Yes, it's Sunday.

Our house came equipped with a hideous wall mounted sink, reminiscent of an abandoned 1955 high school lavatory. Let's just say it had it's moment, and that moment passed a LONG time ago. Functional? Yes. Attractive? Not on your life.
The actual removal of the sink was the easy part, believe it or not. But when it came to removing the decades-old baseboard that some genius installed new tile up against and is now a good inch below "ground level", ripping it out has proven to be more than a challenge. I couldn't even salvage a piece large enough to take to Home Depot to try and match. The whole thing is now in itty bitty little shards and slivers. I'd say a 5 minute job, under normal circumstances, has now claimed about 3 hours of my time. But it's done. I cracked a few of the floor tiles in the process, but that is a small sacrifice in the grand scheme of this project. Thank goodness the previous homeowners left the extra tile for us in the basement. They must be fortune-tellers - knowing that we would be stupid enough to attempt a remodel, and would undoubtedly break something in the process.

Actually, I probably shouldn't even classify this project as a remodel, per se. All I wanted to do want replace the damn sink. I'm now a drywall repairman, a plumber, a carpenter, and a tiler. And if my husband has his way, an HVAC specialist. Whew! All in less than a week. Well, when I put it that way, I'm way ahead of schedule. All I have to say...live and learn.

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